Land Rovers Tours in Lombok

Interview with Adhy operating Land Rover Tours in Lombok:

LombokNesia-Since my recent arrival in Lombok and from all people I have met so far, Adhy stands out as one of the most charismatic and interesting person I have encountered on this island. For the interview, Adhy surprised me by choosing remote locations. I was lucky enough to gain valuable insights from his passion and expertise and at the same time discovered some hidden gems of the island.

Interview with Adhy operating Land Rover and Eco-Tours in Lombok
For an introduction, Adhy is a local guide and entrepreneur. His business ideas are fueled by hispassion for traveling and for automobiles, specifically the Land Rover.  Adhy admires this particular vehicle so much that he even called his daughter Landina! Despite his busy schedule, Adhy is also part of social and green project that aims to protect his island and educate its inhabitants about the importance of environment conservation.
The first stop of the interview brought us to the Narmada garden, which was the Royal House during the 17th century. A strikingly beautiful and peaceful place, this is where Adhy goes to whenever he needs to find inspiration or to brainstorm. And this where he started telling me his story:
This is one of the places where I come to relax my mind and structure my creative ideas for newtours where I will bring my future guests.
We also visit this place with my guests when they just arrived in Lombok so I can tell them about our history and culture. The Narmada garden is the place where our King was living during the 17th Century. The garden was designed in such a way so it could look like the Mount Rinjani with its baby volcano and the lake, where the king made his own swimming pool and which is today open for public.
Narmada Garden. Things to do in Lombok.
Narmada Garden. Things to do in Lombok.
  • How did Lombok Adventure start?
My passion for the Land Rover made me discovered some unexplored places in the island. Many of my friends were all providing the same tours to the same destinations, while I wanted to bring something new for my guests. Hence, it occurred to be that I should become the first to launch theLand Rover experience in Lombok. In the beginning, my friends told me “you are crazy Adhy, just take the normal car like everyone” but today, other operators are doing the exact thing after seeing how successful the idea was. In fact, it has worked so well that I am planning to get my 5th Land Rover car!
Secondly, my goal is to protect the nature through adventure tourism. I want to educate people from the villages so they will be able to understand basic English to allow them to converse withtravelers.
Land Rover Experience. Things to do in Lombok.
Land Rover Experience. Things to do in Lombok.
  • Can you tell us more about your tours in Lombok?
I treat all my guests as if they are my own family; I want them to feel at home in Lombok. Another very important point for me is to allow my guests to meet the locals; the aim is to help educating the locals about tourism and to make them interact more with the English language.
Another mission of my business is to keep our island clean and green. I always tell the locals in the villages to always remember how important it is to manage their garbage disposal, no mater how popular and busy the village will be. So far, I have made some agreements with and gave support to the head of the neighborhoods to keep their land clean, and we all work on it hand-in-hand in various parts of the island.
To allow the villagers to communicate with travelers, I also arrange English classes in some villages.
Nature Safari Tour includes visit of a hidden waterfall, passing through local villages in the jungle, as well as river tubing and reflexology, a complete day immersion with Lombok’s nature.
Nature Safari Tour. Things to do in Lombok.
Nature Safari Tour. Things to do in Lombok.
  • What is your guests’ favorite Tour?
Nature’s Safari is everyone’s favorite!  Once, I had a family group consisting of a 1-year-old baby as the youngest member and his 70-years-old grandfather as the oldest family member, and each member had an equally enjoyable time. The family enjoyed some safe and fun water activities at a natural waterfall, they got to meet the friendly villagers that performed their traditional music, and at the end we watched the most beautiful sunset together at my favorite spot.
Other tours also include snorkeling, visit of secret beaches with a chef coming with us and cooking for us while we enjoy the view of crystal water and white sand.
As for the couples, most love the Lombok Expedition (2D/1N) where they have the option to sleep in a tent set up above the Land Rover, in one of my selected secret spots, as well as doing strawberries picking during the day in front of Mount Rinjani! Some even told me that they want to stay there forever! And by the way, the Land Rover is also equipped with a bar!
Lombok Expedition. Things to do in Lombok.
Lombok Expedition. Things to do in Lombok.
  • What is your best memory?
Every memory is my best memory, but if I had to choose one, it would be the trip to the Pink beachwhen it was still relatively unknown; it really felt like I was arriving in a paradise. The beach is more popular now, but I make it a point to allow my guests to live through the same experience I had; I will make sure that they too will feel like they have just arrived in paradise. Oh, there are also so many other hidden beaches that I would like to bring my guests to!
Trip to the Pink Beach. Things to do in Lombok.
Trip to the Pink Beach. Things to do in Lombok.
  • What would you advise to do and see in Lombok for people staying only 4 days?
4 days will be enough to discover Lombok, and everything can be done through my tours: secret beaches and snorkelingtrekkingmeeting the localshistory and cultural tours, in addition to some unforgettable experiences.
However, if you want to trek on the Mount Rinjani, it would be better to stay one full week in Lombok and do the trek in 3 days/2 nights.
This is now the perfect time to visit Lombok before it gets too crowded.
Lombok Escape Tour gathers secret beaches & relaxing time, a chef will cook for you on the beach while you swim in crystal water or lay down in white sand. Followed by a bit of culture and adventure visiting local people digging for gold on a hill.
Lombok Escape Tour. Things to do in Lombok.
Lombok Escape Tour. Things to do in Lombok.
  • A few words about Mount Rinjani?
The beauty of Mount Rinjani cannot be described only with words. There is also something magical about it. There is a huge lake in the rim and a baby volcano. This mountain is different, I met people telling me that they had trekked the Mount Everest before. However, do not underestimate it, for trekking the Mount Rinjani you have to be in good physical conditions.
The tour I offer for the guests is an exclusive one, including good mattress with pillow, tables, chairs. I provide some comforts that you would not expect in the mountain, to make the trip more comfortable for my guests.
Trekking Mount Rinjani. Things to do in Lombok.
Trekking Mount Rinjani. Things to do in Lombok.
  • What are your projects for the future?
Working with the Nature has taught me a lot more that what I have read in books. My main project is to teach people in the villages and make Lombok even greener and cleaner than it already is!
I do not want to do a profit-oriented business, but rather a quality-oriented one. I am also planning to launch a program for the plantation of trees and to promote eco-tourism in all my tours.
Finally, my utmost important mission is to make my guests return to their homelands packed with smiles and unforgettable memories.
Project Eco-Tourism Tours. Things to do in Lombok.
Project Eco-Tourism Tours. Things to do in Lombok.
  • A message for your future guests?
To us, you are not our guests but our family! Visit Lombok and experience its beauty and hospitalityfor yourself!
By Uriel.

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